
Scroll down for recent podcasts, recommended practitioners, useful websites, organisations, books and more…


Download my free ‘A Seasonal Guide to Lifelong Health’ Poster.

Ever since writing Staying Alive in Toxic Times I’ve been keen to create a poster (or infographic!) that displays key information relating to the seasons.

Best printed at A3 (or 2 x A4 pages) this poster is now available to all for free!


Brain health: unchaining your pain

In Episode 99 of ‘Brain health: unchaining your pain’ I joined Dr Ruth Mary Allan to share the shocking truths behind the hidden threats to our health - and importantly what you can do about it

February 2025.

UK Medical Freedom Alliance TV

I was honoured to be invited onto the UKMFA TV podcast to talk about my new book Getting Healthy In Toxic Times, An Ecological Doctor's Prescription For Healing You Body And The Planet.

Sep 2024.

Health Optimisation Podcast

I joined Tim Gray on the Health Optimisation Podcast. The episode was titled ‘Everyday Products Poisoning You: Stop Using Them Now - With Dr. Jenny Goodman’.

Sep 2024.

CNM Specialist Podcast

In this podcast titled ‘Environmental Toxins’ I join Bobby Qureshi to talk all things nutrition, toxins, and supporting healthy conception.

Sep 2024.

Altered States Podcast.

In episode 20 of Altered States Podcast Josh, Harry & Jenny talk about taking sovereignty over your own health, regenerative farming, properly storing your food & how to stay alive in toxic times.

Dec 2021.

Green & Healthy Places Podcast.

In episode 17 of the Green & Healthy Places Podcast, Jenny talks about environmental medicine, exploring what toxins in the built environment can do to us and how we can nutritionally ‘put the good stuff back in’.

March 2021.

weMove Podcast (part 2).

In this podcast with Chris and James from weMove Jenny discusses her book and the many different aspects of what health means.

November 2021.

The Alex Manos Podcast.

In this episode, Alex speaks with Dr. Jenny Goodman about her book 'Staying Alive In Toxic Times'. She introduces the concept of Ecological Medicine and we discuss her "4 Golden Rules", the importance of living and eating seasonally, and so much more!

April 2020.

State of Mind Podcast.

Jenny joins Grace Kingswell on the State of Mind podcast where they talk about all things Ecological Medicine.

September 2021.

weMove Podcast (part 1).

In part one of Jenny’s conversation with Chris and James from weMove, she discusses the connection between the food we eat, the environmental effects on foods nutritional content, lastly its links to farming.

November 2021.

The Power Within Us Podcast.

Dr Jenny Goodman talks to Sunna about how now more than ever, we need to educate ourselves on all the toxins we are exposed to and that enter our body and learn to detox through 7 powerful methods that are discussed in this episode.

November 2021.

The Wellness Way Podcast

Did you know that the same chemical industry that produced nerve gases for war transitioned into making pesticides for our food? I broke down the shocking links between toxic chemicals, infertility, and the rise in IVF treatments—and what you can do to protect yourself.

February 2024.

The Ideal Day Podcast

The Ideal Day Podcast is a fun, engaging and informative look at Personal Development and learning how to perform at your best each day. I joined Adam to talk about how to protect yourself and your family in these toxic times.

December 2025.

Dr Jenny Goodman’s list of accredited practitioners (2023).

Please note: there are some excellent colleagues who do not appear on these 2 lists simply because they are not taking on new patients.

Medical Doctors who practice nutritional/ natural/ holistic/ integrative medicine:

In alphabetical order of surname…

Nutritional Therapists and similar practitioners:



See here for a list of my favourite books across various different categories. Also:

  • Nutritional Medicine by Dr Stephen Davies and Dr Alan Stewart (Pan Books, 1987)

  • Environmental Medicine in Clinical Practice by Anthony, Birtwistle, Eaton and Maberly (British Society for Allergy & Environmental Medicine, 2002)

  • The Complete Guide to Food Allergy and Intolerance by Professor Brostoff and Linda Gamlin (Quality Health Books, 2008)

  • Biochemical Individuality by Dr Roger Williams (McGraw-Hill, 1998)

  • Nutrition and Mental Health: a handbook, edited by Martina Watts (Pavilion Publishing, 2008)

  • Fat Chance by Robert Lustig (Fourth Estate, 2014)

  • Prevent and Cure Diabetes by Dr Sarah Myhill and Craig Robinson (Hammersmith Health Books, 2016)

  • Sustainable Medicine by Dr Sarah Myhill (Hammersmith Health Books, 2015)

  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Fatigues Syndrome and Myalgic Encephalitis by Dr Sarah Myhill (Hammersmith Health Books, 2017)

  • Not on the Label by Felicity Lawrence (Penguin, 2004)

  • Swallow This by Joanna Blythman (Fourth Estate, 2015)

  • The Perils of Progress by John Ashton and Ron Laura (Zen Books, 1999)

  • Cleaning Yourself to Death by Pat Thomas (Newleaf, 2001)

  • The Case Against Fluoride by Dr Paul Connett (Chelsea Green Publishing, 2010)

  • Iodine by Dr David Brownstein (Medical Alternatives Press, 2009)

  • Menace in the Mouth? By Dr Jack Levenson (What Doctors Don’t Tell You Ltd., 2000)

  • Day Light Robbery by Dr Damien Downing (Arrow Books, 1988)

  • The Vitamin Cure for Allergies by Dr Damien Downing (Basic Health Publications, 2011)

  • Detoxify or Die by Dr Sherry Rogers (Prestige Pubs, 2002)

  • Aerotoxic Syndrome by Captain John Hoyte (Pilot Press, 2014)

  • Toxic Airlines by Captain Tristan Loraine (DFT Enterprises Ltd., 2007)

  • Asthma Epidemic by Dr John Mansfield (Thorsons, 1997)

  • Arthritis by Dr John Mansfield (Thorsons, 1995)

  • Chemical Exposures by Professor Nicholas Ashford and Professor Claudia Miller (Wiley-Interscience, 1998)

  • Bestfeeding by Mary Renfrew, Chloe Fisher and Suzanne Arms (Celestial Arts, 2004)

  • No Kitchen Cookery for Primary Schools: Simple recipes for Key Stage 1 & 2 for within the classroom by Katharine Tate (The Food Teacher™, 2015).

  • No Kitchen Cookery for Irish Primary Schools: Simple recipes that deliver Food and Nutrition within the classroom by Katharine Tate (The Food Teacher™, 2020).

  • Now We’re Cooking! Delivering the National Curriculum through Food by Tim Baker, Marie Reynolds and Katharine Tate (The Food Teacher™, 2017).





  • Everybody Flies: One Man’s Journey to Make Air Travel Safe

  • A Dark Reflection

  • Angel without Wings




For information on electro-magnetic hazards and how to protect yourself:

For information on the health hazards of frequent flying and how to protect yourself:

For information on reducing harmful drinking:

And for information on absolutely everything (medicine, nutrition, toxicity, infection, the gut and more), you can consult with Dr. Sarah Myhill’s vast and encyclopaedic website:

Nutrition-focused Education in Schools: School Young Chef of the Year Awards -