Credit Edward Howell.
2024 Book Tour Speaking Engagements
Would you like to come and meet me on my Getting Healthy in Toxic Times book tour 📗?
Join me at the CNM 25-Year Anniversary Celebration
I’ll be speaking on ‘Staying Alive in Toxic Times - How to Stay in Radiant Health All Year Round’.
Event: Health Optimisation Summit 2022.
This coming May, I will be speaking at The Health Optimisation Summit which is being hosted at the Business Design Centre in London.
Comments on Parkinson’s Disease
A few weeks ago The Guardian ran an excellent article (link below) showing the links between Parkinson’s Disease – the incidence of which is growing at an alarming speed – and a chemical called Tri-Choro-Ethylene, or TCE. It is an industrial chemical that was used in dry cleaning till it was replaced by Tetra-Chloro-Ethylene, which is in my view equally dangerous…
Seasonality: Why it Matters (Wicked Leeks Excerpt)
Should we eat the same foods all the year-round? The answer, as you may have guessed, is a resounding No…
How to deal with hayfever - for Happiful Magazine
Hayfever is one of many modern epidemics, or what I call ‘21st-century plagues’ – it was rare or unknown before the Industrial Revolution. Its spread is to do with our environment, our nutrition, and the way we live. Like many other illnesses today, hayfever is potentially preventable.
Green & Healthy Places Podcast - Dr Jenny Goodman
We cover the dangerous impact of fat soluble pesticides in our food system, the health benefits of saunas, the risks of exposure to chlorine and fluoride in the home, the importance of natural cleaning products, why we should all be sleeping on organic mattresses, how to mitigate off-gases from new pieces of furniture, and the connection between the natural and the healthy.
Webinar announcement: Understanding Toxicology and Environmental Medicine - 3rd March
On the 3rd of March at 6:30pm I will be presenting a webinar for the Association of Naturopathic Practitioners.
The Fourth Dimension
Lockdown Blues at midnight dark, lockdown green in morning sun. Waiting for birdsong at dawn, like grey punctuation. If Time is the fourth dimension, then love must be the fifth, though the physicists would have it otherwise…
Recipe: My Dark Green Soup
This soup recipe is excellent for treating a deficiency of iron, magnesium and other minerals, and is also an excellent treatment for constipation.
Vitamin D - What You Need to Know (Video)
Hi everyone! I recently sat down with Tyler Cunningham to discuss the importance of vitamin D in our health.
3 New Year’s Resolutions for 2021 Suggested by Dr Jenny Goodman
3 New Years Resolutions from Jenny